
Docs: Security Domains

Letterbox utilise several domains for different purposes.

If you visit or get an email from one of these domains, you can more certain it is from Letterbox.

Letterbox Domains
  • letterbox.tech
  • letterbox.contact
  • ltrbx.tech
  • ltrbx.contact
  • ltrbx.io
Additonial external domains

These are partner domains that provide a service on behalf of Letterbox. Or have in the past.

  • sendgrid.net

    Sendgrid may also use subdomains for email servers and links in emails.

  • braintreepayments.com

    Braintree may also use other domains and subdomains in its payment processes.

  • flurdy.io & flurdy.net

    Legacy services and development.

  • eray.uk & eray.co.uk

    In some direct email communication with support and sales.

  • If you get an email from a domain not listed above, that say it is from Letterbox, it is not from Letterbox.
  • Or visit a site not listed above but market itself as Letterbox, it is not a Letterbox site.
  • They may be a phishing attempt.
  • You should tell Letterbox about it.
Unrelated businesses

However, some other services do legaly and honestly use similar names to Letterbox, but they are not related to Letterbox.