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Docs: Contact forms
A contact form is a form that your users can fill in to send you a message.
You can have multiple contact forms.
Each form have a recipient
a set of API keys with request tokens
and a reference.
Create a contact form
On the profile page, under
Contact forms
click the
new contact form
If you have only 1 recipient, the form's recipient will be set to that recipient.
Otherwise you will be promted to choose the form's recipient from your existing recipients.
Then this creates a new form, with a random reference.
A fresh contact form has no API keys associated.
A link to the form is shown, it uses the form reference.
Form disabled
A form is initially disabled.
The form needs the recipient to be verified.
The form neeed an active API key.
Further steps
Verify a recipient ⇨
Generate an API key ⇨
Modify the form reference ⇨
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